Qure.ai and deepc Revolutionize European Healthcare

Welcome back, AI Enthusiasts!

In today’s AI summary rundown:

  1. InnovationForce's AI Marvel: Europe's Climate Game-Changer: InnovationForce launches InnovationWorks Hangar on Microsoft Azure Marketplace, adding 100 European use cases. The focus is on collaborative solutions for decarbonization and grid modernization, drawing diverse energy companies. The shift toward customer-centric energy infrastructure signals a united effort to tackle climate challenges.

  2. Qure.ai and deepc Revolutionize European Healthcare: Qure.ai and deepc form a dynamic partnership, integrating AI tools into EU and UK healthcare workflows. The collaboration aims to enhance care coordination and radiology processes, seamlessly integrating Qure's AI solutions into deepcOS. The focus is on precision, efficiency, and reducing missed diagnoses.

  3. Wikipedia's Messy Affair: Jimmy Wales Takes on AI: Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales, criticizes AI's current state, foreseeing 50 years for "superhuman" capabilities. Despite challenges, AI supports intellectual activities. OpenAI's ChatGPT faces internal issues, while Wales envisions AI improving Wikipedia content and addressing biases. Clashes with Elon Musk and Trust Cafe's launch underline his commitment to healthy online discussions.

    Read time is 3 min..

Trending: Segmentation-Based Parametric Painting

Carnegie Mellon University's ingenious researchers have birthed a painting generator that's not your run-of-the-mill digital dauber. Their brainchild, a segmentation-based parametric painting marvel, dances circles around existing methods, boasting an unparalleled level of control that even a picky artist would envy.

In this groundbreaking spectacle, they've concocted a method that turns images into canvases adorned with strokes of human-like finesse and a dash of stylistic pizzazz. Forget the bland and humdrum—this is art with a flair for the dramatic.

Imagine a symphony of brushstrokes orchestrated by a segmentation-based painting process and dynamic attention maps. Inspired by the genius of human painting strategies, this approach lets the virtual brushes waltz in synchronized batches over different image regions. The result? A masterpiece that captures both the grandeur of large-scale structure and the subtlety of fine details, all while allowing the artist (or in this case, the algorithm) to dictate the stylistic rhythm.

But how does the magic happen? Picture inputting an image and a set of style parameters labeled as "realistic," "painterly," or "abstraction." Then, voilà! The system optimizes a stroke parameter vector to render a canvas approximating the original image in a stylized manner. It's like having an AI-powered art wizard at your beck and call.

This isn't just about creating art; it's about crafting an experience. Inspired by the finesse of human painters, the system adopts a layered approach, starting with broad strokes and gradually adding finer details. It's a meticulous dance, guided by dynamic attention maps that ensure every nook and cranny of the painting gets its fair share of artistic attention.

In a world where pixels meet paint, Carnegie Mellon's painting generator is the maestro conducting a visual symphony—one stroke at a time.

AI Training: Tutorial of the Day

Today, let's dive into a quick and fun tutorial on how you can harness the power of AI to spark your creativity. We're going to create a personalized short story using AI, or ChatGPT 3.5 to be specific!

The steps are simple, write a detailed prompt of the kind of story you wish to write and refine it according to the results.

Step 1: Initial Prompt: What can I include in a short story prompt for you based on Loss and War from the viewpoint of a Dog so that it becomes more interesting to read?

Output: Title: "Whispers of War"

Prompt: In a world torn apart by the ravages of war, a loyal Golden Retriever named Rex navigates the harsh realities of loss and conflict. Through Rex's perspective, explore the unbreakable bond between him and his human, a soldier deployed on the front lines. As the war unfolds, Rex uncovers a mysterious connection to a stray dog he encounters in the war-torn city. Together, they embark on a poignant journey filled with sorrow, resilience, and unexpected moments of joy, all while exploring the profound impact of humanity's choices on the lives of those who can only witness chaos through their keen senses. How does Rex cope with the absence of his beloved human, and what role does the stray dog play in shaping their destinies amidst the shadows of war?

After getting a basic response, refine it further according to your needs.

Step 2: Refined Prompt: Based on this prompt, write a short story in 200 words about the same, write in a witty manner, and capture the oblivious and innocent nature of the dog who is blissfully unaware of the gravity of the situation, but only understands the plight of its owners and tries its best to cheer them up in these dire situations.

Final Output:  In the midst of war's chaotic crescendo, Rex, a tail-wagging Golden Retriever, found himself knee-deep in a human mess. His human, a camouflage enthusiast who called himself Sergeant Snuggles (he misunderstood the concept of rank, obviously), had vanished into the chaos, leaving Rex with nothing but a chewed-up tennis ball and a profound sense of confusion.

Undeterred by the echoing booms, Rex patrolled the desolate streets, blissfully unaware of geopolitics but acutely attuned to the scent of sausages. Then, amidst the rubble, he met Spot, a street-smart pug with a penchant for dumpster diving. Spot and Rex forged an alliance, embarking on a tail-wagging escapade through the war-torn city.

As the two dogs navigated the chaos, Rex's innocent exuberance became a beacon of hope for the downtrodden soldiers. His goofy antics and slobbery kisses brought unexpected smiles to hardened faces. Spot, the street philosopher, figured that if humans were fighting over things, maybe a good old game of fetch could solve everything.

In their oblivious odyssey, Rex and Spot became the unsung heroes of the war—a duo of fur and fluff, teaching humans that sometimes, joy and camaraderie can emerge from the ruins of despair. And so, the city echoed with the laughter of soldiers and the infectious barks of two dogs who believed that happiness was the best antidote to the chaos of war.

Quirky AI Tools

  1. Generative Engine: Unleash the literary chaos with Generative Engine, the mad scientist's dream of a storytelling machine. 🧪 Armed with AttnGAN, it turns your textual musings into a psychedelic dance of synthetic images. Write anything, and like a pixelated Picasso, Generative Engine crafts an evolving masterpiece in real-time. 🎨 Sure, the images might be a bit blurry, occasionally diving into the abstract, but who said creativity had to follow a clear-cut path?

  2. Cyborg Writer: Enter the literary realm with Cyborg Writer, the chameleon of writing styles. 📜 Fancy a touch of U.S. Supreme Court drama or a sprinkle of Shakespearean elegance? Cyborg Writer's got your back. Just jot down a few words, hit Synthesize, and watch as it continues your prose in the style of your choosing. From Donald Trump to Eminem, it's a linguistic playground where sense might take a vacation, but style throws a great party. Feeling daring? Train ChatGPT to mimic your unique prose ballet! 💃

  3. Freddie Meter: Step into the vocal arena with FreddieMeter, the AI judge of vocal mimicry. 🎤 Channel your inner Freddie Mercury and serenade the digital realm with your rendition of Queen's classics. The tool records, dissects, and grades your performance, revealing a percentage of resemblance to the legendary Freddie. 🎸 Whether you hit the high notes or create a symphony of digital dissonance, FreddieMeter is the virtual stage where you can rock out and see if your voice is the champion. 🏆

Trending AI Startups

  1. MindsDB: MindsDB, the benevolent overlord of the AI realm, opens its vast, open-source arms to businesses, inviting them to join the whimsical journey of automated machine learning. No coding spells are needed! With MindsDB's mystical algorithms, businesses can summon predictive models effortlessly, making decisions based on data feel like a stroll through a garden of binary flowers.

  2. ShieldAI: Enter the futuristic battleground with ShieldAI, the genius behind autonomous military minions. Armed with algorithms sharper than a ninja's katana, ShieldAI crafts drones that dance through complex terrains with the elegance of ballerinas on a digital stage. Need real-time awareness in the chaos of battle? ShieldAI's got your back, providing an AI-powered command center that's cooler than the flip side of a pillow.

  3. Eightfold: In the world of HR, Eightfold emerges as the wizard with a wand called AI, magically connecting companies with the crème de la crème of talent. Corporate giants like Postmates, Capital One, and Hulu bow before Eightfold's prowess, the rare HR sorcerer blending magic and machine to keep the talent flame burning bright.

  4. Netra: Netra, the Sherlock Holmes of video analysis, dons the hat of artificial intelligence to unravel the mysteries of moving pixels. Whether it's decoding hidden messages in live streams or giving a thumbs up to your logo, Netra's AI detectives are on the case. Just send a video URL their way, and like magic, insights on advertising spells, harmful content hexes, and brand effectiveness enchantments shall be revealed!

These startups are at the forefront of AI innovation, offering a range of services and technologies that are shaping the future of various industries.

AI-Generated Image of the Day

Generated by Blue Willow

Prompt: Transport to a Renaissance city aglow with the allure of Van Gogh's artistry. Envision a starlit evening where cobblestone streets wind through intricately detailed buildings, echoing the grandeur of history. Street lamps cast a warm glow, and a gentle river reflects the majestic structures and figures in period attire. As night falls, the sky transforms into a Van Gogh masterpiece, stars swirling in vibrant hues. This AI-generated image merges the charm of a bygone era with the unmistakable style of Van Gogh, inviting viewers into a dreamlike world where history and art dance under the celestial canvas.

Tip: the more specific the better

Question of the Day

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Today’s Meme 

That’s a Wrap 

That’s it for today’s news in the world of AI!

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